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Dismantling old buildings and clearing all debris And then preparing the land for the future harvest I started sowing some seeds,...

Motion - origins of Music (2)

Playing the piano is like dancing on the keyboard. Dancers learn how to move on the floor. Pianists learn how to move on the keyboard....

Origins of language

It is not about scientific proof of where languages came from. A single beautiful recording inspired me and made my thoughts take off...

Procession: A Path: Jesse Norman

The artists whom I really badly wanted to attend their performance but couldn't was: Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli I bought three...

Journey to Metamorphosis

Chapter I: Rediscovering Who We Are as Pianists Learning our habits, which we do unconsciously, is always the hardest. Let’s start by...

Between the notes and music

Collection of notes becomes a piece of music. Whenever I look into the details, how the composer so carefully chose, and placed them on...

Language and Music

Language is sound Music is sound It doesn’t necessarily mean both are the same ( I would rather not discuss it at this time) We naturally...

Faure Violin Sonata No.2 Op.108

Every season reminds me some music. But August is silence for me. I hear the sun shines I hear the nature whispering Music goes...

Invisible but touchable

The toughest part of learning is “true growth is invisible when it’s happening”. It is like you are taller than last year, but you can’t...

Music you remember forever

There are some performance keep ringing in my ear and heart forever. There are also some pieces keep ringing in my ear and heart forever....


Je ne révolutionne rien, je ne démolis rien. Je vais tranquillement mon chemin, sans faire la moindre propagande pour mes idées, ce qui...

Blog: Blog2
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