It is not about scientific proof of where languages came from.
A single beautiful recording inspired me and made my thoughts take off into the sky.
Sound came first because ancient mankind wanted to communicate.
A combination of sounds is probably attached to a certain meaning.
….and then intonations came in. Rhythms were installed.
Singing started
So music was born.
Have you ever had a moment where you couldn’t help but sing?
The moment music touches the inner, deepest part of us,
When was the last time you sang from your heart?
Music always awaits you.

Here is a recording of Samuel Feinberg playing and singing Schumann’s “ Einsame Blumen” from Waldszenen Op. 82
Lyrics and English translation;
Aus meinen Träumen spriessen
Viel blühende Blumen hervor
Und meine Seufzer werden
Ein Nachtigallenchor.
Und wenn du mich lieb hast, Kindchen, schenk “ich dir die Blumen all
Und vor deinem Fenster soll klingen
Das Lied der Nachtigall.”Innere Stimme!
Sprout from my dreams
Lots of blooming flowers
And my sighs will be
A choir of nightingales.
And if you love me, little child, I will give you all the flowers
And there should be sound outside your window
The Song of the Nightingale.”
Inner Voice!