About me
Passionate, Caring, Inspiring
Music is her lifelong passion. It was always beside her since she was little.
Born in Japan, Mariko earned Bachelor of Fine Art from Osaka College of Music. She continued her study in Paris, France at Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris for Diplome Superieur d’Execution (6eme division professionelle, piano performance). She has performed numerous concerts, recitals and also appeared as a concerto soloist in Japan, France and Canada. She participated in several music festivals such as the International Keyboard Institute and Festival (New York), the Toronto Summer Music Academy and Festival (Toronto), Scotia Festival of Music, Academie International d’interpretation de Piano(France) and Flaine Musique Festival(France). Among her teachers were world-renowned pianists Alicia de Larrocha, Menahem Pressler (Beaux ArtsTrio), Peter Frankl and Andre Laplante.
As a piano teacher, she has more than 25 years of experience and successful in teaching any level of students at any age. She has a great ability of communication with students to tailor the lessons to fit each students needs, goals and skills. Her passion and love of music transforms any music lesson to a joyful musical experience filled with beautiful artistic moments and fun challenge. Any student will find her/himself to be a motivated self-learner.
What do you like most about teaching?
Music is a universal language. Teaching music for me is talking about it regardless of any difference as human. That gives me the joy of sharing something very precious we all have in our heart. That's what I love.
How do you inspire students to practice more?
I set a small goal to reach each students dream. A little step makes a big difference. I want to them to feel it. A little victory leads you a real achievement. Achievement gives you a satisfaction. Happy feeling equals to the motivation.
What roles does performance play in student’s development?
When I teach, performance is in my mind always. For me, practicing means preparing for the performance. I assess what need to be done to make her/his performance better at each student’s current developing stage. I absolutely know what the students will go through to preparing performance and experiencing real performance so it makes me possible to prepare each student in the best possible condition.